Brian Baker
Mae llawer o waith Brian Baker yn dechrau gyda'r llyfr, gyda straeon, gyda thestun. Mae'n cael ei ddylanwadu gan artistiaid ac awduron sy'n arbrofi gyda thestunau a delweddau, a thechnegau fel collage, samplu ac ail-greu.
Mae ei waith yn defnyddio delwedd a thestun yn gyson i ail-feddwl ac ail-weithio straeon a syniadau, ei hun a rhai pobl eraill, paentio a thynnu lluniau'n sylweddol ar dudalennau neu wneud collages. Nid yw llyfr yn golygu papur yn unig, wedi'i rwymo rhwng gorchuddion, ac er ei fod yn artist papur, mae'n hoffi archwilio'r posibiliadau ffurfiol o ba fathau gwahanol o 'lyfr' a allai fod.
Mae ei waith diweddar yn defnyddio arbrofion gydag amser a dimensiwn, ac yn archwilio sut y gallem ddarllen ac ysgrifennu'r 'llyfr' yn ei ffurfiau a'i fannau mwy cyfarwydd a'r tu allan iddo. Gan ddatblygu dealltwriaeth o'r berthynas rhwng iechyd meddwl ac ymarfer celf, mae wrthi'n ysgrifennu ac yn cynhyrchu gwaith mewn perthynas ag iselder, dosbarth a chof.
A lot of Brian Baker's work starts with the book, with stories, with text. He is influenced by artists and writers who experiment with texts and images, and techniques such as collage, sampling and remixing.
His work consistently uses image and text to re-think and re-work stories and ideas, his own and those of other people, materially painting and drawing on pages or making collages. A book does not just mean paper, bound between covers, and though he is a paper-based artist, he likes to explore the formal possibilities of what different kinds of ‘book’ might be.
Recent work draws upon experiments with time and dimension, and explores how we might read and write the ‘book’ in and outside its more familiar forms and spaces. Developing an understanding of the relation between mental health and art practice, he is currently writing and producing work in relation to depression, class and memory.